Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 27 - January 17 - Panic

"Panic is a part of the 'fight or flight' response common in all mammals which causes a sudden rush of epinephrine (adrenalin) to be released, one effect of which is peripheral vasoconstriction (closing off of blood vessels in distal parts of the body, esp. skin) in order to maximize blood flow to the 'core' - large muscles, brain, heart, lungs - to facilitate da fightin' or flightin'. Less blood = less heat = faster frostbite." - Dr. Jeff (my little brother)

I had a moment, or rather about 15-30 minutes on that day, nearly a month ago now, when I was in a state of panic. Real, frightening panic. I wasn't lost - bear right and I would hit the trail eventually. I could see the road and I had a map and compass and a bearing on the car. I had food, water, a headlamp, even a lighter that I had forgotten about. Heck I even had a cell phone with a good signal. But before I got all of that straight in my head, all I could think about was that I had taken a wrong turn and I was separated from the group - I was lost - I only had one hour of light left, who knows how much skiing, and the slide alders were relentlessly snagging me - impassable obstacles between me and my escape, fuck did I go over the bluffs when I should have kept right? was really fucking cold, my puffy was in the car, what if I break my leg or twist an ankle - I'm dead! jesus I might have to dig in and spend the night. Panic.

Could have been those few minutes of panic that caused the frostbite. Now day 27 and still I am Gimpy McGimperson.

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